© 2016 Inov8 Design, Inc. | 15 Bridge Street, Suite 1 | Northampton | MA | 01060 | 978 318-0050 |
ndd Medical Technologies
Andover, MA
EasyOne Spirometer
with USB Cradle
The simplicity of ndd Medical’s proprietary
"ultrasonic transit-time" measurement
technology makes it directly applicable to
pediatric applications.
ndd needed a unique, friendly form and
appearance to invite and assure young users.
Product specifications required a device,
“well suited to applications where the
clinician must go to the patient, i.e. Hospital
Wards, Emergency Departments, Pulmonary
Rehabilitation Units, Community Health
Centers, Field Testing, and Sports Medicine.
The portable device must easily support
multiple users. Simplicity is the key.”
Additionally, ndd’s Marketing sought to
maximize the user-interface display while
miniaturizing the product for stability and
comfort in young hands.
Inov8’s slender, whimsical enclosure
captures the imagination of young patients.