© 2016  Inov8 Design, Inc.  |  15 Bridge Street, Suite 1  |  Northampton  |  MA  |  01060 |  978 318-0050  | 
Gerber Technology, Inc.     Tolland, CT GERBERplotter™ XLp™ Series Gerber plotters are fundamental to practically every modern industry.  Gerber’s Sewn Goods Business Group markets pattern design and cutting technologies to apparel manufacturers in all regions of the world.   Based on the HP 516-45 inkjet cartridge, Gerber’s robust XLp Series is intentionally designed to provide low entry cost and internationally accessible disposables. Inov8’s friendly, minimal design minimizes part count, assures full service access to all components, and stands up to the tough realities of high speed, high volume manufacturing environments.